Learning a second language can feel like a daunting task, but the process can become both enjoyable and effective when you engage in a variety of methods. Writing, listening, and watching are powerful tools that can enrich your language-learning journey, each offering unique benefits.
Writing helps reinforce vocabulary and grammar, allowing you to practice and internalize what you’ve learned. Listening sharpens your comprehension skills and helps you pick up natural rhythms and pronunciation. Meanwhile, watching content in your target language exposes you to real-world usage, cultural nuances, and diverse accents. By combining these three methods, you’ll create a comprehensive approach to mastering a second language.

Yes, even if you are a beginner and only know a few words in your target language you can begin to journal. Write simple sentences. Look up words and phrases. Practice reading it aloud. Narrate your day. Practice writing/speaking in different tenses. Journaling every week is guaranteed to improve your fluency!
The Language Journal
The Language Journal was created to help you with your target language journaling and tracking. It comes with space to track all of the ways you are immersing yourself in your target language as well as 52 journal prompts that will help you improve in your writing and conversation skills.

https://www.wordreference.com is the best translating website/app out there. It gives you the most accurate word-for-word translations as well as other helpful information. Download the app on your phone and look up any word you need as you journal in your Language Journal!
2. Watch
Watch your favorite movies and shows in your target language. It is important to start out with movies and shows that you are already familiar with so that you can really absorb the language since you will already have a basic knowledge of the story line. As you become more advanced in your target language you can attempt a new movie and perhaps even a movie that was originally made in that language!
At the beginning, you may want to use English subtitles (or whatever your first language is). As you advance in your target language you can switch the subtitles to the target language or just stop using them completely!
Use your Language Journal to track what movies and shows you are watching.

3. Listen
Listen to music in your target language! Music will help you memorize vocabulary, connect you to the culture, and improve your listening skills. Make a new playlist with songs in your target language. Try a pre-made playlist with new artists who sing in that language.
There are so many podcasts from all over the world on so many topics. You can find podcasts that are specifically made for learning languages. When you are comfortable, find podcasts in your target language that simply cover a topic that you are interested in.
Audiobooks are another great way to immerse yourself in a language. Try listening to a book that you have already read in your native language so that you can follow the storyline better. Then, try finding a book originally written in your target language.
Track what you are listening to with The Language Journal.