–Definition from Oxford Languages
Prepositions can be a tricky concept for young children. Learning the prepositions, however, in a second language can be extremely useful and practical! Think about it, we use prepositions to give instructions to our children all the time. Example: put the dishes in the sink. Or: Get out from under your bed!
So, lets learn 4 commonly used prepositions: encima, abajo, adentro, and afuera.
Encima- On/ on top.
- Pon el oso encima de la cama. (Put the bear on the bed)
- El jugo está encima de la refrigerador (The juice is on top of the fridge)
Abajo/debajo- Under
- Pon tus zapatos abajo de la cama. (Put your shoes under the bed)
- El gato está abajo de la mesa. (The cat is under the table)
Adentro- Inside/in
- Pon el libro adentro de tu mochila. (Put the book in your backpack)
- El perro está adentro de la casa. (The dog is inside the house)
Afuera- out/outside
- Vé afuera. (Go outside)
- Tu papá está afuera. (Your dad is outside)
Here is a short video lesson that teaches these 4 prepositions in Spanish.
Here is a visual to help you study these prepositions with your kids! I have also created a little game that will help you practice as well.
- Enter your email so that we can send you the free downloads!
- Print out the downloads
- Cut out the fun characters
- Laminate if you want and use velcro to make it more fun!
- Practice telling your children to put the characters in the right places with the Spanish prepositions. Here are the commands you should use:
- “Pon el oso (or whatever object they chose) encima de la caja” (Put the bear on top of the box)
- “Pon el oso abajo de la caja” (Put the bear under the box)
- “Pon el oso adentro de la caja” (Put the bear inside the box)
- “Pon el oso afuera de la caja” (Put the bear outside of the box)